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Localised Warm Oil Retention
~ Vasti/ pichu ~

Localized Warm Oil Retention or Vasti / Pichu is a collection of therapies, performed under the strict supervision of an Ayurveda Physician, proven beneficial for rheumatic conditions and all degenerative issues that arise due to a vitiated vata dosha. Warm herb-infused oils are poured and retained in a dough mold, firmly placed on the affected area to alleviate pain or inflammation in the knees, shoulders, lower back and cervical region.

The Localised warm oil retention therapy or Vasti at Ayurvedagram Bali adopts a holistic approach and focuses not just on the symptoms of pain, but the underlying cause, that is Ama, (toxins) that accumulates in different body tissues due to impaired digestion and a weak metabolic fire disrupts the natural flow of prana (vital energy) and manifests as pain. This treatment is highly recommended because of its potent ability to restore balance to the vitiated vata dosha, detoxify the gut, restore metabolic balance, awaken the body's innate healing energies and relieve pain naturally. The healing properties of herb oils used for Vasti deep cleanse the blood and tissue off the accumulated toxins, enrich with nutrients, strengthen the supporting muscle and connective tissues and lubricate the joints keeping them flexible, relaxed and pain free. The oils used in Vasti are Ksheerabala, Mahamasha, Mahanarayana, Kottamchukkadi, Balashwagandhadi, Ashwagandhabalalakshadi, Sahacharadi, Murivenna, Pinda, Tiktaka ghritam etc., to name a few.

Benefits this treatment brings

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Helps Rejuvenate Bones & Tissues

In case of degenerative conditions like Osteoporosis, Lumbar and Cervical Spondylosis, the Vata dosha is predominantly vitiated, leading to deterioration of bone and supporting tissue (Asthi kshaya). Localised Warm Oil Retention Therapy or Vasti can help pacify the Vata dosha and raise the Kapha dosha. This benefits both bone and tissue health, thereby reducing further degeneration and providing much needed pain relief.

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Reduces Pain & Lowers Inflammation

According to Ayurvedic texts, pain is a directly proportional to Vata vriddhi, (vitiation of Vata dosha). Localised Vasti uses medicated oils that have properties opposite to the characteristics of Vata. This helps restore the vitiated tridosha balance. Vasti enables swift absorption of herb medications for optimal nourishment of the musculoskeletal system, thereby alleviating pain and inflammation. It is beneficial in conditions like Spondylosis, Sciatica, Lower back pain, Stress and Headache.

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Relieves Joint Stiffness

Stiffness or state of restrained mobility of joints arises due to aggravation of Vata dosha (Vata vriddhi). Localised Warm Oil Retention Therapy can help in the retention and absorption of medicated oils through the skin's surface thereby increasing lubrication and improving joint flexibility and mobility.

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Helps in expelling morbid toxins from tissues

Vasti also removes toxins from the body. Chronic improper dietary and lifestyle regimens cause malfunctioning of the digestive system, which triggers the aggravation of Vata in the intestine. Stomach dysfunction leads to Vata vitiation and Ama build-up. Vasti can lessen the effects of Ama and help eliminate the symptoms of endotoxin build-up.

Alleviates sports injury

Vasti is beneficial in this sphere in 3 phases: 

Best recommended to start the Vasti treatment 14 days prior to a sports event. Localised retention of oil taken in advance, helps in prepare the muscles and tissues to ward off upcoming tension. 

On the day of the event 
Undertaking a Vasti treatment on the day of the event helps ensure toned up muscles and may help prevent incidence of muscle cramps and muscle tear. 


Regular Vasti sessions taken after a strenuous event, helps replenish damaged cells and tissue and also nourishes the tired and strained muscles.

Experience deep relaxation in tranquil space and nurturing care at Ayurvedagram Bali.

Our Localised Warm Oil Retention Therapy or Vasti / Pichu

At Ayurvedagram, Bali, the Localised Warm Oil Retention Therapy strictly adheres to the ancient and authentic procedures outlined in Ayurveda's texts. Four kinds of affected area-specific Vasti may be administered: Shiro Vasti for the Head; Greeva Vasti for the Neck, Kati Vasti for the lower back and Janu Vasti for the joints.

Types of Vasti:

Shiro Vasti (Localized Warm Oil Retention on the Head):

Warm medicated oil is poured on the crown of the head and retained using an elongated cap for a prescribed period of time. This therapy stimulates optimal functioning of the brain and calms the mind. Is especially beneficial in psychosomatic problems, depression, nervous disorders, insomnia, dryness of mouth and migraine.

Greeva Vasti (Localized Warm Oil Retention on the Neck):
Kati Vasti (Localized Warm Oil Retention on the Lower back):
Janu Vasti (Localized Warm Oil Retention on the Knee Joints):
Massage & Final Steps:


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Pain Management

Spine and Joint Health

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Our Team - Discover the Healing Embrace of Ayurvedagram Bali Care

Our seasoned Ayurvedic Physicians, Yoga Masters, Therapists, Chefs, Nutritionists and empathetic caregivers are unified in one unwavering focus: to help you achieve your health goals and lasting wellbeing.

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Meet Dr. Natasha

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Our Ayurvedic Culinary Experts

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Our Yoga acharyas

Good to know

Some general pretreatment suggestions and recommendations that we would like to share.


While Localized Warm Oil Retention therapy or Vasti offers numerous health benefits and is safe for most people, there are however specific situations and conditions in which it may not be beneficial or suitable. Hence prior knowledge of your medical history is essential to ensure your complete safety and well-being during your stay.


We take health precautions seriously. If you have any medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart conditions, allergies, physical disabilities or ailments, please inform us beforehand.


We recommend that you wear comfortable yoga-style clothing that is wash and wear. This will help you feel relaxed and comfortable throughout your treatments.




Rooms & Accommodation

Our boutique wellness center blends Ayurvedic requirements with modern luxury accommodation. Spread across 14000 square meters of lush tropical greens, Ayurvedagram Bali reflects the essence of our land, the local vibe and a lot of love. Our accommodation menu offers large rooms, decorated with handcrafted Balinese artisanal flair, offering stunning vistas of unspoilt greens. You will find yourself engulfed by the sounds of the forest as you relax and rejuvenate in quiet serenity and comfort.

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The Luxury Pool Villa Room

(4 units) / Size: 125 sq. metres

Awaken each morning to a bird song and let nature unveil itself before you in our Luxury Pool Villa Room. Immerse yourself in tranquil pool waters at your doorstep, or simply meander your way through our gardens, across to the unspoiled tropical flora or paddy greens. Revel in the undeniably inviting spirit of the tropics in our Luxury Villa Rooms, untethered by everyday stress and experience a welcome slowing down.


“My name is Tina and I'm saying a big hello from Ayurvedagram Bali. I've been here for 27 days and I can say that my wellness journey here, has been really fruitful and amazing. I heard about Ayurvedagram Bali from the lovely Dr. Natasha. And I am so happy that I came. Because the place is really beautiful, very serene and very calm. The people here make the place what it is, I have no words to say. Dr. Natasha, the work she does is totally amazing. Shashikant, the Yoga master is really, really good at what he does. The food is at par. The therapists are really, really welcoming and make you feel really comfortable. And I will definitely be back again.” 

Tina Mistry / Australia

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Ayurvedagram Bali is an invitation to awaken your inner sanctuary with Ayurvedic wisdom. Pause, let go of old ways, make room for healthier new habits, initiate a transformative journey for lasting wellbeing.

Begin your transformation today!

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